Intermediate-Advanced Programs
Power is an advanced training system that requires an excellent understanding of movement, with an ability to lift appropriate loads and execute Olympic weightlifting movements and their derivatives.
This program uses plyometrics and ballistic training as well as clean and snatch movements although the main objective is power production therefore certain skills can be substituted to accommodate the individual.
This program requires a lot of skill and commitment to get the most out of it. This program should only be carried by those who are comfortable with Olympic lifting.
extra coaching is recommended with this program.
Training Protocol:
Hard - requires experience and or coaching
Comfortable with Olympic lifts
Squat, Clean and Jerk, Snatch and their derivatives, Accessory
Pretty much everything
Barbells, Dumbbells, Kettlebells, Medball, Bands
Tempo, Undulating, Autoregulatory, Percentage Based
Training Maturity:
Body Parts:
Progression Type: